A complaint has been filed against 4 people including Bollywood's famous actress shilpa shetty in the court of muzaffarpur, Bihar. Advocate Sudhir Kumar Ojha has filed a complaint after being hurt by the road blockage and the trouble caused to the common man. The court hearing in this case will be held on november 11. This matter is being discussed in the entire district.

people had problems

Regarding this matter, complainant advocate Sudhir Kumar Ojha told that on monday there was an inauguration ceremony of a shop of kalyan Jewelers, the famous jewelry shop of the country, at Kalam Bagh Chowk in the city. For this, the organizer had invited bollywood actress shilpa shetty and during this time there was a crowd on both sides of the road and due to which the common man had to face trouble. Not only this, why did the district administration responsible for this also give permission? During this time the traffic signal was also closed due to which negligence has also come to the fore.

Advocate filed complaint under several sections

The advocate said that the actress, hurt by the chaos during shilpa Shetty's program, has filed a complaint against the owner of kalyan Jewelers, muzaffarpur DM and the owner of the local jewelers. The busiest road of the city was blocked for two hours. Due to which the common man had to face trouble. It has been registered under sections 223, 189 (6), 189 (7), 190, 191 (1), 61 (1), 198, 199 (B, C), 272 and 280 of the indian Penal Code. Let us tell you that advocate Sudhir Kumar Ojha keeps filing complaints against many big names on different issues. He is also in a lot of discussion about this. Right now everyone's eyes are on the shilpa shetty case.

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