The feeling of love in a love song

For a love song, jagjit singh sang the song - Na umar ki seema ho, na janam ka ho bandhan jab pyar kare koi, to dekhe keval man, these are not just the lines of a song but many meanings of Jagjit Singh's life are also contained in it. When Jagjit fell in love with Chitra, she was married. She was someone's wife and mother of a child.

This was their first meeting

Chitra had told in an interview that she first met jagjit singh in a studio to sing a jingle. After listening to Jagjit's voice, she even refused to sing with him. During this time in 1968, Chitra was going through a difficult phase in her marriage. She had decided to leave her husband Debo prasad and later also took custody of daughter Monica. At the same time, Jagjit fell in love with Chitra's singing and personality and he even proposed to her, but Chitra refused. Jagjit, who loved Chitra immensely, then decided that he would express his love to Chitra's husband. According to a report of india Today, Jagjit had asked Chitra's husband - I want to marry your wife. The two got married in 1969 and gave birth to son Vivek. The couple's families never accepted their marriage. An interesting fact is that Chitra used to lovingly call Jagjit Papa and Jagjit used to call her Mummy.

Broken after son's death

Everything was going well in their lives when bad news came in July 1990. Their son vivek died in a car accident. The family was shaken after Vivek's death at the age of 21. After this, both of them kept away from music for a long time. Chitra even stopped singing after that. Many years later, she said in an interview - My throat had closed on its own. In september 2011, jagjit singh suffered a brain hemorrhage. He was treated in the hospital for many days but he could not be saved and he passed away on 10 october 2011.

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