It is said that only a friend helps a friend and it is karan Johar's 'Dostana' that has come in handy for karan Johar. We are not talking about karan Johar's father Yash Johar's film 'Dostana', but through this film title we are trying to tell that karan Johar's real life 'Dostana' has come as a big relief in difficult times. Amidst continuously decreasing profits, karan johar was trying to sell a large part of dharma productions for the last few years. In such a situation, karan Johar's very close friend natasha Poonawalla and her husband Adar Poonawalla have extended a helping hand to him. Well-known businessman Adar Poonawalla's Sirine Productions has bought 50 percent of dharma Productions. That means now dharma productions and Sirine Productions will together make films with different types of content.

How much is this deal going to be worth?

It is worth noting that according to the valuation of dharma productions done by Adar Poonawalla's company Sirin Productions, the total value of dharma productions at this time is Rs 2000 crore. This valuation means that Sirin Productions has bought 50 percent stake in dharma productions for approximately Rs 1000 crore.

karan johar was looking for investors

According to the data available on the official website of the Registrar of Companies, in FY23, dharma productions earned a net profit of only Rs 16 crore with a revenue of Rs 1044 crore. After the pandemic, many films of dharma productions flopped one after the other. Recently, his 'Jigra' also did not show any wonders.

Due to the increasing cost of production and continuously decreasing profits, karan johar was looking for a big investor in dharma productions for the last few years. In such a situation, names of groups like Saregama india and jio Studios, from a well-known production house of South films to recently, were coming up as investors.

In such a situation, after the investment agreement with Adar Poonawala's production house, it is now believed that karan Johar's deep 'friendship' with natasha Poonawala and Adar Poonawala helped him a lot. Out of these, natasha has been karan Johar's oldest and closest friend and both have often been seen together in each other's parties and on special occasions.

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