Reportedly with a career spanning over four decades, anil kapoor has worked in more than 100 films. The actor has worked across genres and continues to be one of the most successful actors in Bollywood. A recent report has revealed that the 67 year old actor has turned down an offer for a pan masala endorsement deal worth Rs 10 crore. The report mentioned that Kapoor turned down the offer because he felt that he had a ‘responsibility’ towards the audience.

Perhaps anil kapoor was offered a profitable deal of Rs 10 crore to endorse a pan masala brand. The actor swiftly turned down the offer. The report quoted a source close to the actor who said, “Anil Kapoor was approached by a major pan masala company with a tempting offer. However, he was quick to decline. He believes he has a responsibility towards his fans and the wider audience and feels strongly about not endorsing products that could potentially harm public health, regardless of the monetary compensation.”

Moreover celebrities like ajay Devgn, Akshay Kumar, Shah Rukh Khan, and amitabh bachchan have been associated with popular pan masala ads. These actors received flak for endorsing the brands. Kumar had issued an apology after the backlash and promised to never endorse pan masala again.

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