As per report bollywood actor varun dhawan has worked with many actresses in his career so far. While varun has given many hit films with alia bhatt, he has also done films with anushka Sharma, Shraddha Kapoor and sara Ali Khan, but out of all these actresses, varun does not consider anyone as his best co-star. Actually, the actor has called a South actress his best co-star. Let's know who she is?

Perhaps let us tell you that varun dhawan has called South actress samantha Ruth Prabhu his "best co-star!". This pair has worked together in 'Citadel: Honey Bunny'. The series was released on Prime Video on november 7 and has received very positive reviews. varun dhawan and Samantha's show is a spin-off of priyanka Chopra's American series Citadel. Meanwhile to celebrate the success of 'Citadel: Honey Bunny', the makers hosted a grand party on november 28. After attending the celebration, samantha also gave an inside glimpse of the party. In the picture shared by the actress on her insta account, varun and samantha can be seen posing with writer Sita R. menon and directors raj and DK. Along with this, there was also a group photo with the entire team.

Moreover sharing the pictures, samantha wrote in the caption, "A beautiful evening spent with the sweetest people, my heart is filled with gratitude." While reacting to these pictures of samantha, varun wrote in the comment, "Best co-star ever." Let us tell you that apart from varun dhawan and samantha, many bollywood stars including Vamika Gabbi, karan johar, Nimrat Kaur, Mrinal Thakur attended the success bash of Citadel Honey Bunny. Currently, the pictures of this bash are all over social media.

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