Bollywood actor ajay devgn has completed 27 years of the release of his romantic-comedy film 'Ishq'. He shared this happiness with his fans on social media. On his instagram handle, the 'Singham' actor shared a heart-touching post, which also has a picture of him with his co-star Kajol. One picture is recent while the other is an old picture. While sharing the post, ajay wrote in the caption, "The film 'Ishq' has completed its 27 years. The first picture in the post is from the film, while the second picture shared is a recent one of the couple. In which both can be seen in black color outfits.

Perhaps at the same time, fans showered a lot of love on Devgan's post, remembering the memorable scenes of the film and the great chemistry of both in the film. One user wrote, "This film is very special. Watching it feels like refreshing childhood memories." Another commented, "I can't believe this film has completed 27 years." While a third said, "Best film ever."

The movie was directed by indra Kumar, 'Ishq' also featured aamir khan and juhi chawla along with Dalip Tahil, Sadashiv Amrapurkar, johnny Lever and Mohan Joshi in lead roles. Released in 1997, the film was a huge hit at the box office; its song 'Neend Churayi Meri' and its comedy scenes still hold a special place in the hearts of the audience.

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