As per report TV's 'Madhubala' i.e. Drishti Dhami has recently become a mother of a daughter. The actress has now revealed the name of her baby girl while showing a glimpse of her a month after the birth of Ladli. Let's know here what Drishti Dhami has named her daughter and what it means. Drishti Dhami and her husband Neeraj Khemka are enjoying parenting with their baby girl these days. At the same time, the couple has also announced the unique name of their little princess. On Thursday, Drishti and her husband Neeraj shared a joint post on instagram and showed a glimpse of the daughter's little feet. Only after this, they also announced the name of their baby girl in the caption.
Meanwhile the couple has written in the caption, "Say hello to Leela." That is, Drishti has named her darling Leela. She also wrote the name in hindi and urdu in her post. Along with this, she also posted the emoji of evil eye. Drishti Dhami's daughter's name Leela is old but it has a very beautiful meaning. Leela means saffron creation, beauty. In Arabic and Hebrew, Leela means night, while in Sanskrit, Leela means game.
Moreover Drishti welcomed her daughter with husband Neeraj on october 22, 2024. The couple announced the birth of their daughter through a social media post and wrote in the caption, "She is here on 22.10.2024." The poster read, "Straight from heaven, into our hearts. A brand new life, a brand new beginning. 22.10.24. She is here! Happy parents Drishti and Neeraj." Let us tell you that the actress married businessman Neeraj Khemka in a traditional Hindu ceremony in 2015.