King Khan of bollywood shahrukh khan has not done a single film in the year 2024, despite that he has left behind all the big stars from South to bollywood in one matter. He has left behind actors like salman khan, Thalapathy Vijay and amitabh Bachchan. In fact, Shahrukh has become the highest tax paying actor in 2024. His high tax payment shows that he is no less than anyone in terms of stardom as well as earnings. Fortune india released the list of highest tax paying celebrities in india for FY23-24 in September. According to this list, shahrukh khan has paid tax of about Rs 92 crore with three superhit films like Pathan, Jawan and Donkey. And has made it to the top of this list. tamil star Thalapathy Vijay is behind him in this matter, who paid a tax of Rs 80 crore.
When talking about salman khan, he paid a tax of Rs 75 crore. Bollywood's Shahenshah i.e. amitabh bachchan also managed to make his place in this list. He has paid a tax of Rs 71 crore, being slightly behind Salman. On the other hand, talking about cricketer virat kohli, he has also made his place in this list. virat kohli paid a tax of Rs 66 crore.
Earlier in january 2023, shahrukh khan made a tremendous comeback with Pathan. The effect of his stardom was that this film of shahrukh khan, who could not give a hit for years, did a business of more than 1000 crores. After this, his jawaan was released, which earned more than Shahrukh's Pathan and did a business of 1150 crores at the box office. Although Shahrukh Khan's Donkey was not a huge hit, the film still earned around 400 crores. In this way, Shahrukh's three films earned more than 2500 crores.