Reportedly after enjoying a successful career in Bollywood, kangana ranaut is now making her place in politics as well. The actress is an mp from the bharatiya janata party (BJP). The actress, known for her outspoken opinion, recently shared a picture of a woman in uniform walking behind PM Modi on her Insta. This picture is becoming quite viral on social media and it is being described as a great example of women power.

Perhaps the picture shared by kangana on instagram shows prime minister Modi walking ahead of a uniformed woman in a dark suit along with Union minister Kiren Rijiju. Some people believe that the woman in uniform is an SPG commando. Actually, this claim is being made because kangana had written Lady SPG on the picture she shared. However, according to NDTV's report, the woman officer seen in the picture shared by kangana is not an SPG commando. She is said to be the PSO of President draupadi murmu who is posted as Assistant Commandant in CRPF.

Moreover the picture shared by kangana on social media has gone viral. Many people have shared the picture calling the woman an SPG commando posted in the security of PM Modi. Some people have said that the woman is an officer in CRPF.

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