Bollywood starlet yami gautam celebrated her 36th birthday yesterday. On this occasion, the actress's husband Aditya Dhar gave a big surprise to the fans. Actually, Aditya has shared the first picture of his child with the actress on Yami's birthday. Along with this, Aditya also wrote a special message to his wife.
Perhaps on Yami Gautam's 36th birthday, husband Aditya Dhar wished her in a special way. Aditya shared three pictures of wife Yami on his instagram account. In the first picture, the actress is seen enjoying coffee wearing a black dress. In the second picture, the actress is seen having fun near a lake wearing a T-shirt and trousers. The third picture is very special. Actually, in the third picture, Yami is seen holding her son Vedavid in her lap. In this photo, Yami looks very happy but she has not shown the face of her child Vedavid. Sharing these lovely pictures, Aditya wrote in the caption, "Happy Birthday to my better half!! love you Vedu ki mummy!"
Previously on her wedding anniversary, Yami shared some beautiful memories with her husband and wrote, "Happiest 3. And now truly Happy Anniversary to us." Aditya Dhar also shared a post in celebration of their anniversary which includes a single shot of Yami and some pictures of the couple together. He wrote, "Dear Yami, you were, are and will always be the best, the most beautiful woman in the world for me! Happy anniversary my love!" In May, the couple announced the welcome of their son, Vedavid, with a joint post. They shared a picture of Lord krishna holding a baby in his arms and wrote, “We are excited to announce the welcome of our darling son Vedavid, who made us proud with his birth on the auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya. Please shower him with all your blessings and love. Warm regards Yami and Aditya”