Accordingly a big news is coming out about bollywood actress Swara Bhaskar's husband Fahad Ahmed. According to the information, sana Malik has defeated him from Anushakti nagar assembly seat. Actually, counting of votes is going on for 288 assembly seats in Maharashtra. Meanwhile, the decision of Anushakti nagar assembly seat has come. Where Nawab Malik's daughter made Fahad ahmed taste the defeat.

Perhaps bollywood actress Swara Bhaskar's husband Fahad ahmed was contesting from Anushakti nagar on ncp (Sharad Pawar) ticket. But he could not win here. Fahad has been defeated by sana Malik by many votes. Let us tell you that Swara Bhaskar's husband Fahad ahmed was earlier in the Samajwadi Party. But some time ago, he left SP and joined ncp Sharad Pawar. In which he was fielded from Anushakti nagar assembly seat. But Fahad had to face defeat here.

Moreover swara bhaskar had a court marriage with Fahad ahmed on 6 january 2023. The actress surprised everyone by announcing her marriage on social media. Now the couple are parents of a daughter. Whom they have named Rabia. At the same time, swara bhaskar is away from acting since marriage. swara bhaskar may be away from the big screen, but she is very active on social media. The actress was also sharing many videos with her husband for the last several days. Which was related to his election journey. Apart from this, the actress often shares beautiful pictures with her daughter Rabia.

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