Reportedly Bollywood's veteran actress rekha still has thousands of fans. The actress has given many blockbuster films in her career. The actress has always been in the headlines for her personal life. Especially the actress' affair with Bollywood's Shahenshah amitabh bachchan is still discussed. The veteran actress once said in salman Khan's show bigg boss that she is afraid of 'Big B'. Perhaps an old video of rekha and salman khan from 'Bigg Boss 8' is going viral on social media. In the clip, salman gives his signature dabangg glasses to rekha and teaches her his iconic dialogue. salman says, 'So the dialogue is that I am giving it with love, keep it, otherwise I can give it with a slap as well.' rekha replies, ''I am not afraid of a slap, sir. I am not afraid of love either, I can do that to the fullest. And I am afraid of only one thing, Big B, Big Boss.” Hearing this, salman khan also started smiling.

Meanwhile let us tell you that rekha had once confessed her love for amitabh bachchan in Simi Garewal's show in the year 2004. Actually, simi garewal had asked rekha if she had ever fallen in love with amitabh bachchan, to which rekha had accepted, "Absolutely", rekha had said, "Oh, this is a stupid question. I have not yet met a single person, woman, child who does not love amitabh bachchan, so why should I be separated? What should I deny? I do not love him? Of course I do. You can take all the love in the world and add some more. - I feel this way for that person."

Furthermore salman Khan's most controversial reality show bigg boss has returned with its 18th season. Let us tell you that bigg boss 18 was premiered on october 6. Recently, a new promo of the show was released. Which has made the excitement of the fans for bigg boss 18 to the peak. At the same time, according to the latest reports, this time in bigg boss 18, Nia Sharma, shilpa Shirodkar, Chahat Pandey, Vivian Dsena, Shoaib Ibrahim, avinash Mishra, Karanvir Mehra, Muskaan Bamne, sara Arfeen Khan, Shahzada Dhami can rock the show.

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