bollywood actor Aamir Khan's daughter, ira khan had a grand white wedding with fitness coach Nupur Shikhare in udaipur on january 10, 2023. However, the couple had earlier registered marriage on january 3, 2024 at Taj Lands End in Mumbai. During this registered marriage, Aamir Khan's son-in-law Nupur reached the wedding venue by running more than 8 km. At the same time, now the superstar's daughter ira khan has revealed why her husband Nupur Shikhare came running with the baraat?
Why did Nupur Shikhare reach with Ira's baraat while jogging?
In a recent interview to Pinkvilla, ira khan revealed the real reason for husband Nupur Shikhare to bring the baraat while jogging. ira told that Nupur reached the wedding venue running because he did not want to climb on any animal. Let us tell you that Nupur jogged from Santacruz to Bandra to reach her wedding venue and covered a total distance of 8 km. ira said that this was the same route that Nupur used to regularly use to meet her during Covid-19. Therefore, covering the distance seemed normal to him, as he often did this when they were dating.
Nupur used to come to meet ira running even during the lockdown
ira said that during Covid, they could not meet for a long time as they lived in different parts of mumbai, so when the lockdown restrictions were relaxed and people were also allowed to come out on the streets to exercise and run, during that time Nupur chose this route to meet her. He used to come running to her every day and he wanted the same for their wedding. Let us tell you that after the registered marriage in mumbai and then the grand wedding in udaipur, on january 13, 2024, the newly wed couple ira khan and Nupur Shikhare also hosted a grand reception party in mumbai in which all the A-listers of bollywood attended.