Bollywood starlet Shraddha Kapoor is at it again. Yes, you guessed it right she has shared another hilarious post that is sure to make her fans smile. Her latest instagram Stories features a street vendor preparing sweet potato chaat a favourite for all desi food lovers. But here is the fun twist: in the background, the iconic track Mera Piya Ghar Aaya by Nusrat Fateh ali Khan, gives the video a dramatic, yet playful vibe.
Meanwhile Shraddha Kapoor recently attended the red Sea international Film festival in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. On the red carpet of the prestigious event, she posed alongside Spider-Man actor Andrew Garfield. Pictures and videos featuring Shraddha and Andrew quickly went viral on the internet. Later, the hollywood actor spoke about his “lovely" meeting with Shraddha. “We had a lovely, very brief meeting at the red carpet. She seems very, very lovely and kind and gentle," Andrew said. S
Moreover Shraddha Kapoor’s last film stree 2 made all the right noises at the box office. In the movie, varun Dhawan made a cameo appearance as Bhaskar, a role he played in Bhediya. Moreover both the Bhediya and stree series fall under Maddock Films’ horror comedy universe. Recently, in an interview, Shraddha was asked if she would be a part of varun Dhawan’s Bhediya 2. To this, Shraddha replied, “Only time will tell if any more cameos of mine come up in any of the other Maddock films. I don’t know yet." Talking about her upcoming projects, Shraddha Kapoor added, “Very soon, I will share the films that I will be doing, which I will be shooting for next year."