The Bhojpuri industry has many superstars. After manoj tiwari and ravi kishan, Pawan Singh, Dinesh Lal Yadav Nirahua and Khesari Lal Yadav dominated the industry which continues even today. Among actresses, beauties like rani Chatterjee, Pakhi Hegde, monalisa, amrapali Dubey and Kajal Raghwani rule the roost. The films of these stars become a hit as soon as they are released. The budget of many films was only a few lakhs, but the collection was breaking records.
Sasura Bada Paisa Wala
If we name the top films of the Bhojpuri industry, then 'Sasura Bada Paisa Wala' is definitely included in that list. rani Chatterjee made her debut with this film which was released in 2004. manoj tiwari was seen as the lead actor. According to tv9 report, the budget of the film was just Rs 35 lakh and after its release, it collected around Rs 7 crore.
manoj tiwari, ravi kishan and nagma starrer film 'Ganga' was released in 2006. amitabh bachchan and hema malini were also in this film. 'Ganga' was directed by abhishek Chaddha and its budget was Rs 5 crore. After release, the film earned 7 times more i.e. Rs 35 crore.
The film 'Pratigya' directed by Sushil Kumar Upadhyay was released in 2008. The film featured Pawan Singh, Dinesh Lal Yadav, Pakhi Hegde, Sonali Joshi as well as monalisa in important roles. Made at a cost of 78 lakhs, the lifetime collection of this film was Rs 22 crore.
Mehndi Laga Ke Rakhna
The pair of Kajal Raghwani and Khesari Lal Yadav won the hearts of the audience in the film 'Mehndi Laga Ke Rakhna'. The film, released in 2017, was directed by Rajneesh Mishra. The film was successful in collecting 14 crores at the box office.