Actor varun dhawan is busy promoting the film Baby john these days. He is continuously giving many interviews. varun dhawan recently talked about his childhood friend Shraddha Kapoor in a podcast. varun told that when Shraddha was 8 years old, she started liking him and also proposed to him. But varun rejected her. In Shubhankar Mishra's podcast, varun dhawan said, 'When I saw natasha for the first time, I had this feeling that this is the girl. I was in 6th class. I knew that there is some connection.' In the meantime, varun dhawan was again questioned about Shraddha Kapoor's proposal. He was asked if that is why he rejected Shraddha's proposal? So varun said- No.
varun said- 'We were eight years old. Which boy likes a girl at this age? I was very confused as to why she took me to the mountains...whatever happened there is known to all of us. I will tell you the story after that.'
When Shraddha got varun beaten up?
varun dhawan told that Shraddha remembered the incident even after two years and she beat him up on her tenth birthday. varun told, 'It was Shraddha's tenth birthday party. She had invited me to her birthday. Shraddha was wearing a frock. At that time, there were about four boys who loved Shraddha. It was a birthday party so we were all playing in the jumping bag.'
'Suddenly, these boys surrounded me. They asked me, 'Why don't you like Shraddha?' I said, 'I am interested in dance competitions.' They said, 'No, no, you have to like Shraddha.' I am not joking. They started fighting with me. I was beaten up. Shraddha got me beaten up because I rejected her proposal. But, I also beat her up. It was a very filmy scene. Then I participated in a dance competition and won it. She came third.