As per report the teaser of salman khan and rashmika Mandanna’s highly-anticipated film ‘Sikandar’ was all set to release yesterday (December 27), on the superstar’s birthday. However, makers of the film have now issued a statement, revealing that they have decided to postpone the teaser release, in light of the passing of former prime minister Manmohan Singh. The teaser will now be unveiled tomorrow, on 28th december at 11:07 AM.
Perhaps the statement was posted on Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment’s official X (previously Twitter) handle, and it read, “In light of the passing of our esteemed former prime minister Manmohan Singh Ji, we regret to announce that the release of the Sikandar teaser has been postponed to 28th december 11:07 AM. Our thoughts are with the nation during this time of mourning. Thank you for understanding. TeamSikandar." The announcement was made just a few hours before the teaser of Sikandar was initially scheduled to be released.
Meanwhile, on the eve of salman Khan’s birthday, the makers unveiled the superstar’s intriguing first look poster from Sikandar. The poster shows salman in a powerful pose, surrounded by an aura of mystery. It shows him in a dark silhouette, holding a sharp, spear-like weapon.