bollywood actor dabangg salman khan of bollywood has celebrated his birthday on 27 December. salman khan is the superstar of the industry. He has been entertaining fans for years and his films earn crores and make new records. Recently he was seen doing a cameo in varun Dhawan's film Baby John. salman Khan's personality inspires fans. Let's take a look at salman Khan's net worth...
Perhaps according to the news of Times of India, salman Khan's net worth is approximately Rs 2900 crores. salman khan lives in Galaxy Apartment. This house of his is in Bandra West, Mumbai. Its price is Rs 100 to 150 crores. salman khan also earns a lot through brand endorsements. salman khan also produces films. He has a production house named salman khan Films. His Chillar party received a National Award. salman also has his own clothing brand Being Human. It supports charitable foundations. Let us tell you that salman khan is far behind shahrukh khan in terms of net worth. Shahrukh's net worth is Rs 7,300 crore.
Apart from this, salman khan is also very conscious about fitness. He has also opened a gym chain named SK-27 Gym. salman khan has many properties. He has a beach house in Gorai Mumbai. Its price is Rs 100 crore. It has 5 bedrooms, gym, theater, bike and swimming pool. Apart from this, salman also has an apartment in Dubai. He has also invested in commercial property. He has taken a property worth Rs 120 crore on Linking Road. There are many tenants in this property and he gets a rent of Rs 1 crore every month. Talking about Salman's car collection, he has luxury vehicles worth Rs 94.15 lakh, Rs 1.26 crore and Rs 1.41 crore.