bollywood Khan aamir khan is very serious about his work. Whenever he works on a film, he keeps full focus on it. Recently Aamir told that in the early days of his career he was insecure about his height. Aamir revealed this in a conversation with nana patekar during the promotion of the film Vanvas. Aamir Khan's height is 5 feet 5 inches and he is less than the average bollywood 'hero'. For this reason Aamir was worried at the beginning of his career.
Perhaps in a conversation with nana patekar on the YouTube channel of Zee music Company, Aamir was asked if he has an inferiority complex. To this Aamir said, 'Yes, I have an inferiority complex. I used to feel what will happen if people will not accept me because of my height. This was my fear. But then later all this does not matter at all. But at that time a kind of insecurity sets in.' Let us tell you that even before this Aamir had talked about this during the promotion of the film Talaash in 2012. He had told that people used to call him Tingu.
Moreover Aamir further said that as he progressed in his career, he realized that show-off does not matter to connect with the fans. Aamir said, 'The things about which we are tensed in the beginning, later we realize that these things do not matter at all. What is important is how honestly you are working and how your work can influence people. And after that everything is useless.'