Reportedly the list of highest earning actors in bollywood always tops the list of Shahrukh Khan, salman khan and Aamir Khan. But you will be surprised to know that a Khan of bollywood has earned 25 thousand crores at the box office and that Khan is not Shahrukh, salman or Aamir. The Khan actor we are talking about has worked in bollywood for more than 25 years. With a box office collection of 25 thousand crores, he left Shahrukh Khan, salman khan and aamir khan far behind. What is even more interesting is that this indian actor made a huge collection from hollywood films.

Meanwhile this actor is none other than irrfan khan, who may not be in this world now, but is still alive through his films. irrfan khan has worked in hollywood films along with Bollywood. In such a situation, his worldwide box office collection is much more than the collection of Shahrukh, salman and Aamir Khan's films.

According to Hindustan Times, Shahrukh Khan's films earn 9000 crores, while salman Khan's total box office collection is 7000 crores and Aamir Khan's total earnings are 6500 crores. The total of all these is 22 thousand crores. Talking about irrfan khan, the contribution of bollywood films in 25 thousand crores is just a little more than 2000 crores, the remaining 22500 crores were collected by the late actor from his hollywood films.

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