'The Sabarmati Report' is a political drama film. In this movie, vikrant massey has played the role of samar Kumar. In the film, rashi khanna has played the role of amrita Gill and Riddhi Dogra has played the role of Manika Rajpurohit. This film is based on the country's biggest incident, the Godhra incident. This film was also seen by PM Modi and praised it a lot. However, the box office performance of 'The Sabarmati Report' was disappointing. But now the film is going to be released on OTT. Let's know when and where will 'The Sabarmati Report' knock on OTT?

When and where will 'The Sabarmati Report' be released on OTT?

'The Sabarmati Report' was released in theaters on november 15, 2024. The film received mixed reviews from both audiences and critics. Now the film is going to be released on OTT. According to a Live Mint report, vikrant massey starrer The Sabarmati Report will premiere on ZEE5 on january 10, 2025. Directed by Dheeraj Sarna, the film is based on the 2002 Godhra train burning tragedy involving the Sabarmati Express. However, the makers have not yet officially announced anything about the OTT release of this film.

What is the story of 'The Sabarmati Report'?

'The Sabarmati Report' is based on a journalist who investigates the 2002 Godhra train fire in Gujarat. The story of the film takes a big turn when another journalist discovers a hidden report related to the incident after many years. Determined to expose the conspiracy and hidden truth related to powerful people, he sets out in search of justice. The film also highlights the important role of journalists in society and the dangers they face while trying to expose the truth.

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