After the end of his famous Dil-Luminati tour, singer-actor diljit dosanjh met prime minister Narendra Modi. Diljit has also shared pictures of this special meeting with the PM on New Year on his Instagram. At the same time, he has shared a reel of his conversation with PM Modi on his Insta.
diljit dosanjh met PM Modi
At the beginning of the reel, Diljit is seen entering the PMO office with a big bouquet in his hand. After this, he presents the bouquet to PM Modi. After this, Diljit is seen talking to PM Modi openly. At the same time, PM Modi also praises Diljit and says that it feels good when a boy from a village in india makes a name in the world. PM Modi also said for Diljit that he is true to his name and is winning the hearts of people wherever he goes.
After this, Diljit is seen discussing yoga with PM Modi. Diljit admits how his life changed after adopting yoga in his lifestyle. The Jatt and Juliet actor further says that when he traveled across india, he understood the true meaning of "Mera Bharat Mahaan". Later, Diljit sings a song paying tribute to Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak Dev Ji and PM Modi is seen playing the rhythm by playing the nearby table with his palm. At the end of the video, Diljit salutes PM Modi and also presents him with a poster of his dil Luminati Tour's india tour. At the same time, PM is seen blessing him.
Diljit called the meeting with PM Modi a great start to 2025
At the same time, Diljit has also shared pictures of his meeting with PM Modi on his X account. Along with this, he wrote in the caption, "A great start to 2025, a very memorable meeting with PM narendra modi ji. We talked about many things including music of course!"