According to sources Bollywood's evergreen actress rekha recently participated in Kapil Sharma's show The Great indian Kapil Show. During the show, the veteran actress made many interesting revelations related to her life. archana Puran Singh, who plays the role of judge in the show, has also shared many of her pictures with rekha from the set on her insta account. During this, archana told in the caption that she once asked rekha who is the mystery man in her life. To this, the actress gave such an answer that she was surprised.

Perhaps rekha wore a cream and red colored saree for the show. archana wore a gray blazer and matching pants with a shimmery black top. Both of them posed a lot while holding each other. archana also shared her solo photo. archana has also written a long post while sharing her photo with Rekha. She captioned the post, "When I saw rekha ji's Sawan Bhadon, I was a small town kid and never expected to go to Bombay... and certainly never expected to meet her in person!! Then years later I worked with her in the film Ladai where she called me into her makeup room and advised me on how to apply makeup and fake eyelashes, a trend she is credited with starting in Bollywood."

"I remember we were chatting about this and that on the lawns of Filmcity, and when I asked her who the mystery man was that she kept talking about, she replied, 'You don't know who he is'?" archana further added that she is warm and amazing, she is a living legend, and it has been such a privilege to know her and meet her every time!! Little kids from small hometowns dreams come true." Let us tell you that rekha will be seen in today's episode of Netflix's The Great indian Kapil's show on Saturday. The teaser of this episode has also been released. In the teaser, krishna Abhishek is seen dancing with rekha in Big B's getup.

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