Accordingly bollywood actor arjun kapoor was last seen in the film 'Singham Again'. The film could not do any special wonders at the box office. Earlier in 2023, he had a film with bhumi pednekar named 'The Lady Killer'. This film is considered to be a big disaster of Bollywood. After the failure of Lady Killer, now arjun kapoor and bhumi pednekar are coming together again for a new film.
Meanwhile arjun kapoor has announced his upcoming film 'Mere husband Ki Biwi'. The actor has shared the motion poster of the film on his Instagram. The poster shows a man's shoe stuck between a stiletto and a punjabi shoe. The caption with this reads - Here the geometry of love is a bit twisted, because this is not a love triangle, but a complete circle. 'Mere husband Ki Biwi' in theaters from february 21, 2025.
Social media users are trolling arjun kapoor and Bhumi on the announcement post of their new film and are already calling the film a disaster. One user wrote - 'The biggest disaster is about to come, congratulations.' Another commented - 'Another disaster.' One person wrote - 'Don't say that this film will not work, this is the wrong star cast. The hero will not work baba.' Apart from this, one said - 'Who will watch Arjun Kapoor.' 'Mere husband Ki Biwi' is being directed by Mudassar Aziz. Along with arjun kapoor and bhumi pednekar, rakul preet singh will also be seen in the film. This film is being produced by Jackie Bhagnani and Vasu Bhagnani under pooja Entertainment. The film will be released in theaters on february 21, 2025.