alia bhatt and ranbir kapoor celebrated New Year with family. They celebrated New Year in Thailand. During this, alia Bhatt's sister shaheen bhatt was also with them. shaheen bhatt has shared many pictures of this vacation. In the photos, she was seen posing with her mother and sister. Apart from this, she also shared a group photo. Stars like Soni Razdan, Neetu Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor, Ayan Mukherjee were also seen in this photo.
shaheen shared vacation pics
shaheen enjoyed a lot in vacation. She also wrote a long caption in the caption of the photos. At the same time, a photo of shaheen is going viral. In this picture, shaheen can be seen enjoying the view of the sea with a mystery man in her arms. The faces of both are not visible in the photo but both are wearing black glasses and the mystery man is wearing a white shirt.
Seeing this photo of shaheen, users are guessing that she is dating Ayan Mukherjee. A user wrote - shaheen, it was nice to see you and Ayan together. I am very happy for you. Finally shaheen also got her share of happiness. At the same time, a user asked who is in the last photo? A user wrote - Is this shaheen and Ayan Mukherjee? Many similar comments are being seen on this photo. Well, shaheen herself has not reacted to who is this mystery man with her.
Talking about Ayan Mukherjee, he is a very good friend of Ranbir Kapoor. Ayan made Wake Up Sid, Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani and Brahmastra with Ranbir. All three films were liked.