Bollywood actor Sonu Sood's film Fateh has been released in theatres. In this action film, jacqueline fernandez is seen in the lead role with Sonu. Sonu and Jacqueline have promoted this film a lot. But its clash with Game Changer is proving to be heavy. The film is not able to earn anything at the box office. For this reason, sonu sood has come up with a plan to attract the audience. He has made an announcement regarding the ticket price. Due to which many people are going to watch the film.

sonu sood has reduced the price of Fateh's ticket on the first day. You can watch this film for just 99 rupees. Sonu has given information about the ticket discount of the film by sharing a post on social media,

Sonu made the announcement

sonu sood shared the poster of the film and wrote - Let's start the show. watch the biggest action film today for just 99 rupees. Book your tickets. After this post of Sonu, fans are commenting a lot.

Fans commented

One user wrote - evening show has been booked. Another wrote - If you have not seen this film then what have you seen. One user wrote - The wait is over. One wrote - Superb. This post of Sonu is going viral on social media. sonu sood has stepped into direction with Fateh. Fans had a lot of expectations from this film. But it seems that it has not been able to show anything special. Also, ram charan and kiara Advani's Game Changer has also been released on the same day. Fateh is suffering a lot due to the clash. On the first day, the collection of the film seems to be very low but this film can earn well on the weekend.

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