junaid khan and Khushi Kapoor's upcoming romantic comedy 'Loveyapa' has created a lot of buzz since its announcement. This was just the beginning, but the recently released title track increased the excitement for the film even more. Without delay, the makers have now released the trailer, which is full of comedy, drama and a lot of 'Loveyapa'. Finally, the fun trailer of 'Loveyapa' has been released, which presents a connecting story of Gen-Z's modern love. The trailer starts with a fun scene of junaid khan and Khushi Kapoor, showing the story of a young couple.

Their lives are revealed to each other when they exchange their mobile phones. This is where the real fun and drama begins. As the hidden secrets are revealed, the trailer gives a new perspective on the relationships of today's generation. The trailer of 'Loveyapa' is really fun and entertaining, which can be a perfect release for the valentine season.

Watch the trailer here

Loveyapa tells a story set in the world of modern romance. This story can touch your heart. Strong performances, peppy music and beautiful visuals make it special. The film not only shows romance in a new way, but it also has things that the audience will remember for a long time. Celebrating every color of love, Loveyapa is set to touch the hearts of audiences of all ages. This film is going to be one of the most exciting cinematic experiences of 2025.

When will Loveyapa release

Mark your calendar to make this valentine season special, as Loveyapa is going to hit the theaters on february 7, 2025. Get ready to be a part of this magical journey of love!

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