In the year 2022, shahrukh khan had filed a petition that he had paid more amount to the collector of mumbai Suburban district for the land on which his house 'Mannat' is located. At the same time, after two years, the maharashtra government can approve the petition of actor Shahrukh Khan. Due to which shahrukh khan can get crores of rupees as refund.

shahrukh khan can get a refund of 9 crores

Let us tell you that shahrukh khan and Gauri Khan's bungalow Mannat is located in Band Stand, Bandra West. This luxurious house is built on land leased by the state government to the original owner, who sold it to shahrukh khan after the deal was approved.

The property spread over 2,446 square meters was transferred to the name of Shahrukh and gauri khan through a registered agreement. Later, Shah Rukh Khan and his wife decided to take advantage of the state government's policy that allows conversion of leased property (Class 2) to complete ownership (Class 2). The two paid 25 per cent of the ready reckoner price in march 2019 as per the state policy, which was calculated to be around Rs 27.50 crore.

When did Shah Rukh Khan come to know about the mistake in Mannat?

According to media reports, Shah Rukh Khan came to know about an 'inadvertent mistake' on the part of the state government while calculating the conversion fee. It is said that the value of the bungalow instead of the piece of land was taken into account in the conversion fee calculation process. The 'inadvertent mistake' by the officials was noticed by the Khan family in september 2022 and gauri khan made a representation to the collector, MSD, demanding a refund of the extra amount, which is said to be Rs 9 crore. According to a report in Free press Journal, sources have said that the collector has forwarded it to the state government for final approval. State officials have said that the excess payment will be refunded once the approval is received.

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