shahid kapoor is in the news these days for his upcoming film 'Deva'. In this film, the actor will be seen playing the role of a policeman on screen. The songs and posts of the film have already increased the excitement of the fans about 'Deva'. Amidst all this, shahid kapoor recently spoke openly about love and heartbreak in an interview. The kabir singh actor confessed that he was not feeling 'very good' after the breakup.
What did shahid kapoor say about heartbreak?
On raj Shamani's podcast, shahid was asked if he has ever had a strong heartbreak. To this, the deva actor said yes, of course, and the heart has been broken many times. After this, shahid recalled the moments when he went through heartbreak. He said, "Sometimes, when your heart breaks, you feel that you are not feeling good at all. And it is very interesting in heartbreak, when you love someone very much and when they reject you, you start running after them.
To such an extent that you sacrifice your dignity and you do not even realize that in this process you have lost your self-respect. This realization comes after many years that yaar, what was I doing.' Apart from this, when the heart breaks, heartbreak songs are heard but these are the moments from which you decide what you want to become and if you are not able to decide, it means that you have lost the opportunity.
What lesson did shahid learn from heartbreak?
After this, shahid also told what lesson he learned from heartbreak. shahid said, "You learn to understand what kind of person you can tolerate, this is understood only after heartbreak. It is very important to understand this. Loving someone is one thing but if that person is bringing out the good person in you or is bringing out the bad person in you, then you must understand that because ultimately you have to live with yourself. And whenever you are in a relationship, this is what love has taught me, don't be selfish with the person you love. I am needy, I need to be consoled, I need to feel that I am very important. These are all selfish things. Ultimately you should be able to give in a relationship. You should be able to be a giver."