Bollywood actress madhuri dixit is enjoying vacation in udaipur with her husband Dr. Shriram Nene these days. Where the actress was also seen driving a luxury car to see the beauty of the city. Actually, the actress took part in the celebration drive of McLaren cars in Udaipur. Where she drove the McLaren 750. Now many photos and videos of madhuri are creating a stir on the internet.
madhuri drove the McLaren 750
Actually, she reached the event organized at Manak Chowk of City Palace in Udaipur. Where she drove the blue McLaren 750. Apart from this, the actress also got many pictures clicked with this car and also made a video. During this, the actress's husband Shriram Nene was also present with her.
madhuri looked very beautiful in all white look
In this video going viral on social media, madhuri dixit is seen in all white look. She is wearing a matching blazer with white pants. The actress is also wearing a cap on her head and carrying a brown sling bag. madhuri looks very beautiful in this look.
What is the price of McLaren?
Let us tell you that madhuri dixit drove McLaren 750 in Udaipur. This is a super luxury car. Which costs around Rs 5.91 crore. At the same time, its on-road price goes up to Rs 6.79 crore.
madhuri Dixit's workfront
Talking about the workfront, madhuri dixit may be less active in films, but she often participates in reality shows. Along with this, the actress also judges dance reality shows. Apart from this, the actress is also very active on social media. Where she shares her pictures every day.