Actor comedian krishna Abhishek has recently revealed that he has bought a separate three BHK flat to keep his clothes and shoes. This actor's love for designer shoes and clothes is not hidden from anyone. That is why he took a flat just to keep clothes and shoes. Not only this, krishna also keeps updating his collection every 6 months.
krishna Abhishek, Govinda's nephew in relation, recently attended an interview for archana Puran Singh's YouTube channel. Here archana had invited krishna for lunch. During the conversation, krishna expressed his love for shoes and clothes. He has such a collection that he has bought a separate property to keep them. He has bought a house and converted it into a boutique.
Archana's husband Parmeet Sethi is shocked to see Krishna's attachment. Then krishna told that he will shift a lot of clothes and shoes in 6 months. On this, archana jokingly says that her son Ayushmann is also of your height, give whatever is left at the time of discard to Ayushmann.
Used to wear Govinda's clothes
krishna told in the same conversation that when he was growing up in his childhood, he used to wear his uncle Govinda's clothes. During this time, he once thought that DNG fashion brand is actually named after David (Dhawan) and Govinda. I used to think that both of them are famous, they must have created their own brand. krishna said- During my college days, I used to wear all the big brands. At that time, I had no idea about brands. I have just learned to pronounce the names of big brands properly.
Let us tell you that david dhawan and govinda have worked together for a long time and they have given many great films in the 90s and 2000s. These include films like raja Babu, Coolie No. 1, Saajan Chale Sasural, Shola Aur Shabnam, hero No. 1, Kyunki Main Jhoot Nahi Bolta, Partner and Bade Miyan Chote Miyan. govinda has recently confirmed that leaving the past behind, he has patched up with David Dhawan.