'PM Modi stood with Macron and Trudeau and pushed them aside', Pak expert said- Pakistan...
Pak expert Qamar Cheema said that it will take a lot of time for pakistan to reach the level at which India is today.
AI Action Summit held in Paris, the capital of france and India is being discussed a lot in the whole world. india is co-chairing this program. This shows how important india is at the global level and in the AI field. This importance being given to india has created a stir in Pakistan. Pakistani experts are also agreeing that it will take a long time for pakistan to reach the value that India has at the moment. Not only Pakistan, but canada is also nowhere near india in the AI field. Canadian PM Justin Trudeau was also seen standing on one side at the conference.
It can be seen in the pictures of the conference that PM Modi was standing with French President Emmanuel Macron in the center, while Justin Trudeau was standing on one side. Representatives from 90 countries including America, China, and Canada participated in the summit.
Pakistani expert Qamar Cheema said that it is the value and worth of india that Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau is standing far away from the French President, while PM Modi is standing with Emmanuel Macron because france knows that india is more valuable than Canada. He said that it would take a long time for pakistan to reach the level at which india and the prime minister are playing.
Qamar Cheema said that the european union has announced to invest 200 billion euros in the AI sector, in which India will be their partner. The next AI summit will also be held in India. He said that all these things show India's strong position.
Prime minister Modi said in the AI summit that AI will become a necessity in the times to come. He said that collective global efforts are needed to establish operating systems and standards for AI that maintain our shared values, remove threats, and build trust.