A well-known hollywood star spent 18 crores to buy virginity…?

A british student whose age is 22 years and name is Laura has sold her virginity for 1.7 million pounds. If this price is converted into rupees, then it comes to around 18 crores rupees. Ever since the student sold her virginity, she has been in the headlines. The amazing thing is that there was a competition to buy Laura's virginity. It included businessmen, politicians and even hollywood actors. Laura's virginity was sold by bidding and this bid was won by a hollywood actor.

How was the virginity bid?

Laura's virginity was auctioned secretly by an escort agency. Businessmen and many celebrities as well as many politicians were involved in its bidding. According to Deccan Herald, there was also a date between the hollywood star and Laura so that they could talk openly.

Who acquired Laura's virginity?

Among many businessmen and politicians, a hollywood actor placed the highest bid and acquired Laura's virginity. Laura, who sold her virginity, has given her opinion on this. She has said - Many girls lose their virginity without any reason, but I made a smart way and kept it safe for the future. And I have no regrets about it.

How did it come to know whether Laura is a virgin or not?

To finalize this deal, the star Laura who bought her virginity also underwent a medical test. Let us tell you that after this news came out, a debate has also started on social media. However, Mail Online has quoted Laura as saying that she is happy with her decision. According to the Mirror report, Laura has described her experience as good, but she has also warned that there are many risks in doing this.

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