This movie is directed by 'Blue T-shirt', popularly known as the movie critic, his first movie is 'Anti Indian' directed by Maran. C.lamaran.
The movie started with a character named Bashah who is killed by someone.
It starts with a detective story but until the end of the movie couldn’t find who killed him.
Bashah's mother and father both belong to different religions, so both have a clash to bury Bashah. It is also election time.
But this anti-Indian film divides all the parties into the business work done by all the religious leaders to keep that corpse, the fake work done by the police along with the party cadres for politics.
The screenplay of the film is about the profit politics done by religious people and politicians by keeping Bashah's corpse.
He dies just before the assembly by-election for the Mylapore constituency, while the political parties are in full swing in the campaign.
Overview of the film:
If you ask which of these three religions, hinduism, christianity, and islam, are falsifying, the challenges faced by the anti-Indian film, which has come down to the field with the notion that all those who carry the religion are falsifiers, are few and far between.
Where does the seed for the religious conflicts and riots we see outside of society begin, and why does no one try to prevent it so easily?
Anti Indian, which lists how government and power exploit religious conflicts for their own gain, is definitely a must-watch movie.