Tollywood's most successful director, SS Rajamouli's magnum opus film, Baahubali - The Beginning went on to become one of the biggest hits in Indian Cinema. Rajamouli on the other side, is busy shooting for the second part of the movie. The makers have recently tied up with character entertainment company Graphic India.

They will bring the story of Baahubali in to graphic novels, games and animated series. Rajamouli reveals interesting details about this new project. "I have Baahubali story running in to 1000s of pages. Due to run time restrictions, several details of Baahubali were simplified in the film. These details will be made in to several stories and will be brought in as graphic novels, games and animated series".

"For example, I showed the entire childhood story of Baahubali in couple of minutes sequence. This particular sequences can run in to several chapters which will be very interesting," Rajamouli added. The ace director is confident that Baahubali will create the market for comics in the country which is very less in percentage when compared to the West.

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