Through Badri movie, Mumbai based actress Bhoomika had made her debut entry in Tamil and had acted in four to five movies. She had acted in Sillunu Oru Kaadhal, Roja Koottam and few movies. She had also acted in Kalavaadiya Poludhughal under the directorial of Thangar Bachchan and the movie didn't hit screens.
She loved Yoga master Bharath Tagore and is having a son. She had reduced acting after her married life. Recently she had acted in MS Dhoni: The Untold Story movie as Dhoni's sister in the movie. Currently she is seeking for a chance to act in sister roles in Tamil and Telugu languages.
she is seeking for an opportunity to get at least sister chance. She is seeking
for sister chance in Tollywood industry.
Sources from Tollywood industry have stated that because of financial crisis she is ready to act in sister roles. Her marriage life is not known to all and she had acted in many movies in Telugu. So she may get chances to act in Telugu movies. Keep watching for more refreshments about the actress.