Powerstar Pawan Kalyan earlier announced that he will be retiring a year or two before the 2019 elections and will concentrate on politics full time for 2019 elections. But then, he decided against that much to the delight of the Mega Fans but is a disappointment to Jana Sena supporters.
Pawan Kalyan would be concentrating more on politics from October and adjust dates accordingly for the movies. In other words, he would sign films for those producers and directors who adjust to his tight schedules. He will begin his new project from December.
He will allot dates of 5 to 10 days each month to cinema producers. If they are okay to plan their shoots accordingly, he will not have any issues to shoot for them. The actor is likely to do at least two films before the 2019 elections. Santosh Srinivas (Rabhasa fame) film is one.