The whole of Tamil Nadu was blown away by a Kerala Teacher Sheril. All was because of her dance movements in the Malayalam song 'Jimikki Kammal' during the Onam function. Sheril is working in Indian School of Commerce and as a teacher, she danced and grabbed everyone's attention.
Recently she gave an interview on becoming an overnight sensation. She said, "The whole video belongs to Indian School of Commerce, Kochin. This idea was given by our Manager Mithun. We decided as Onam and Teacher's day came together.
So, we decided to make a dance in order to avoid a gap between the students and teachers. A group of 20 teachers and 40 students practiced for this and we never imagined this much viral hit. I am so thankful to all praises and trolls who made this so big. I love teaching profession, but when it comes to acting my parents should accept it. Let's see what happens in future."
Watch the video below,