Veteran actress Radhika, who had been launched by legendary director Bharathiraja and played lead roles on the 80s, had then settled to mature supporting roles and has been a part of many hits like Kizhakku Cheemaiyile, Jeans, Roja Koottam and many other movies.
The actress, who is in her 50th year in films, is still active in the industry starring alongside young heroes like Makkal Selvan Vijay Sethupathi, Udhayanidhi Stalin and many others. She had played Vijay Sethupathi's mother in the hits like Dharmadurai and Naanum Rowdythaan.
Now she is all set to play rising star Nayantara's mother in her upcoming movie which is yet-to-be-titled. The movie is a female-centric project and will be helmed a debut director Rajiv.