Malayalam senior hero Jayaram's son Kalidas Jayaram had started his career as a child actor and had won the national award for one of his flicks even as a child, He had turned a hero with the Tamil movie Oru Pakka Kathai, costarring Megha Akash and directed by Balaji Tharaneetharan.
However, though the movie did not release, he had his first Tamil release on the form of Meenkuzhambum Manpanaiyum, which was a colossal disaster, and following this only he had gone back to home, as he bagged the opportunity to star in Abrid Shine's directorial Poomaram.
After Poomaram, Kalidas had bagged numerous biggies, and one of them happens to be the movie directed by Jeethu Joseph of Drishyam/ Papanasam fame, and this movie costarring Aparna Balamurali has been named as Mister Miss Rowdy, He also has a movie directed by Alphonse Putharen and Santhosh Sivan in his kitty.