Time has come where even star heroes and producers are thinking many times to take decisions regarding movies. They are making decisions considering even the small directors. While small budget movies are being made with very little budget but still doing very good in the market, the big-budget movies starring expensive stars are failing tremendously at the box office despite taking a lot of effort and time. They come into the market with so much expectation but still fail.
The big-budget movies’ failure does not affect just the movie heroes. That is why directors and producers are considering new heroes to be starred in their lead roles. Even the big heroes are looking to work in small budget films as they are low investment and a big return. They are looking to make good films with minimum investment.
Ram charan is looking to work on a movie with less money and even nani is trying to complete a movie with using as little money as possible. The corona lockdown has surely affected the movie industry and also the way star heroes get paid for the movies. While there won't be big stars acting up or taking a chunk of movie budget, people are suspecting there won’t be any grand movies in telugu cinema anytime soon.

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