Kajal Aggarwal's latest updates are shocking to her fans and also her co-stars in the industry. kajal aggarwal is now in an affair with a mumbai businessman and the news has grabbed all the recent headlines of all entertainment news. Kajal nor her friends dared to react on this news as few pics of Kajal romancing with businessman are also out on some portals.


Earlier, there were lots of speculations that Kajal is going to marry a Producer's son and they share a great rapport together. But bashing out all news, now she is all set to marry a completely irrelevant person to the cinema industry. marriage will take place this year.


kajal aggarwal is a clear professional who has been in the industry for more than 16 years. She is still the topmost actress among the top league of actresses. She clearly knows to be choosy in her movies and she easily scores a success.

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