This is what the world has came to. A 12 year lad was thrown behind bars for joking to a class mate that he has a bomb in his school bag. He was released after three days custody. Regarding this news, the boy's (Armaan Singh Sarai) cousin Ginee Haer wrote on her Facebook post,

"On Friday, December 11th, 2015, my cousin attended school, like any other normal 12 year old child. A bully in class thought it would be funny to accuse him of having a bomb, and so the principal, without any questioning, interrogation, or notification to his parents, called the police.

Worried and frightened at home, his family was concerned as to why he had not reached home right after school. They started calling every police department in the area, only to find out he was sent to a Juvenile facility.

They kept him held behind bars for three consecutive days, before finally releasing him on Monday, December 15th." She also said that which people will take Children's word serious? She also said that her cousin was minor and was arrested without any guardian present.

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