The Congress Party on Monday has told the BJP led NDA Government was blaming Vijay Mallya as the liquor king has become as an NRI titled as Non –Repaying Indian and Non Returning Indian. As per the attendance record it was found Mallya has attended the budget session on March 1st and he has spoken to the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and the very next day has left abroad.
It was said Mallya has left the country after severe allegations from the CBI, Banks, ED, SEBI, SFIO, Service Tax and Income Tax. It is clear that Mallaya has run out of the country in Fair and Lovely Scheme of the BJP Government and is has truly become as the double NRI.
The Congress Spokesperson Randeep Singh Surejwala has blamed the Government has failed to get back the amount in safe heavens within a period of 100 days. He added that Mallya is presently resting at London and has attacked the people and the Media Persons with one thought “Give me loan and leave me alone”.
Surejwala has questioned the Narendra Modi government about the accountability and the transparency of his rule. They have urged the Narendra Modi to stop the Fair and Lovely Scheme and to take severe actions against Vijay Mallya in the public interest. The Congress Party has given a notice in the Rajya Sabha saying the government is punishing the innocent people and leaving the culprit Vijay Mallya to leave the country.