Sources from San Francisco stated that Google CEO sundar Pichai and Ivanka Trump have announced an initiative to provide 250,000 training opportunities over the next five years for US citizens to learn new age technology skills. Pichai made the announcement with Ivanka Trump at a round-table event in Dallas.

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The Google CEO, in the line of US President Donald Trump’s fire over the tech giant’s alleged ties to the tampering in 2016 US presidential elections and China’s military, said Google will sign the “Pledge to America’s Workers”, an effort by the White House to “expand programs that educate, train and reskill American workers from high-school age to near-retirement.” The Department of Justice is also investigating the search giant for possible antitrust behavior.

The US President has also accused Google of having an anti-conservative bias, calling the company’s search results “rigged.” Ivanka, an adviser to the US president, said at the event that that the goal, through the pledge, “is to fill those opportunities with the next generation of talent”. Donald Trump in March addressed Pichai on Twitter as “President of Google” after meeting him to discuss issues surrounding its dealings with china and “political fairness”.

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