Atlanta sources stated that an indian American doctor who says he is currently treating coronavirus patients, is pleading with people, via social media, to stay home. In a facebook post that has been shared at least 16,000 times, Sajan patel, MD said he plans to continue treating patients at university of california, san francisco for several more weeks, and that he has accepted that he would likely get COVID-19 doing so.


He said the united states is on the “path to becoming the next Italy.” Dr. patel is an Assistant professor of Medicine in UCSF’s Department of Medicine. “I have taken care of (the first two cases in the Bay Area) and will be taking care of COVID-19 patients in the weeks and months to come, I’ve accepted that I will likely get COVID doing so, and I’ve heard first-hand the harrowing stories of the intensivists at EvergreenHealth (in Washington state) I beg all of you to please stay at home don’t go to that event that you were so desperately excited to go to. Make the hard sacrifice for the sake of humankind, and listen to real doctors, not the fake ones posting,” his post said.


He said “We are on the path to becoming the next italy, and conditions there for both patients and health care providers are truly unimaginable (their country’s medical chief Roberto Stella just succumbed to it)".

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