31 year old Italian Beauty Tiziana Cantone who suffered years of humiliation online over her sex video allegedly uploaded by her boyfriend committed suicide ending her life. Her mother says she tried ending her life twice and finally she succeeded in her third attempt. 

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Her mother said she "suffered from everything she saw and heard" .Maria Teresa her mother said "She was hurting and at times took refuge in alcohol. But she was always a healthy and normal girl," Tiziana Cantone after years of legal battles won a "right to be forgotten" ruling - but could not understand why the court had ordered her to pay €20,000 (£17,000; $22,500) in legal costs.

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But Court ruling came a bit too late as her online sex video had been copied and republished innumerous times. Some say Italy's views on sex led to her death. Even after her death Walter Caputo, a Turin city councillor for the Democratic Party of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi posted on facebook saying Tiziana had in sending the video to acquaintances perhaps been "aiming for a certain notoriety" and was "certainly not a saint".

Video footage of Tiziana Cantone from Naples indulging in sex with a man was uploaded to the internet in spring 2015.She had sent six different videos to five friends whom she trusted but much to her shock the clips began to be shared online and appeared on porn sites and social media. 

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People blasted her insulting and abusing her with jeering comments, edited screenshots and cruel video parodies, many of which used her full name, turned her intimate act into a viral internet meme.The online ridicule was often centered on one short, throwaway phrase of Ms Cantone's, captured in the original footage: "You're making a video? Nice one." and some even commented that ehs was trying to become a professional porn star. 

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Though Cantone successfully had the video removed from search engines in 2015 but it continued to reappear around the web in various different guises. 

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