Andhra Pradesh Government the other day has entered into a Landmark MOU with Kia Motors, the fifth biggest Automobile manufacturer in the World. The South Korea-based company selected AP as its home for its first ever plant in India and will be making a whopping 10000 Crore investment and will provide 10000 Employment Opportunities.

Chandrababu government managed to get it competing with several other states. But then, no TV channel except for ETV Andhra Pradesh has aired the live of this MOU signing which is a crucial step forward in the Make in India initiative. 

The historic event did not find a place even in the Prime Time of other channels. This strengthens the argument that some 'Invisible Political Hand' is micromanaging Hyderabad-based TV channels in downsizing the achievements of AP and TDP government. 

People have been saying about this for a long time and there are demands for Vijayawada-based TV Channels which support the state and help in its development by positive publicity. We are not sure if Chandrababu government has realized this.

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