According to sources Nara Lokesh in his latest speech at the Dharma Porata Sabha against the 'Betrayal Conspiracy Politics' of the Centre, Lokesh said that what happened to BJP in Karnataka was just a trailer and a full cinema would be seen in 2019. Meanwhile he said Telugu voters in Karnataka have voted against BJP upon AP CM Chandrababu Naidu's plea. Moreover he said Telugu voters have played huge role in stopping BJP coming to power by reducing their majority.
Media reports added that Lokesh said TDP had collaborated with BJP in 2014 hoping that the new government at the Centre would help AP, but in vain. Moreover in a scathing attack, Lokesh said BJP can't even win at least 10 Panchayat seats in AP. Moreover Lokesh said TDP has stood by the Mitra Dharma and accused BJP of backstabbing TDP by joining hands with 'Thieves' (YSRCP).
Lokesh said Naidu has waived off Rs 24,000 Crore
crop loans. He also said the present government has increased pension by
multiple times and is providing to nearly half-crore of population and also said
the state government is also introducing stipend to unemployed youth very soon.
Furthermore Lokesh said 16,000 kms of CC roads have been laid in AP in the last
three years and he said he is proud of such rapid development as IT &
Panchayat Minister.