Following sudden health issues, the wife of the former DMK Chief, late Kalaignar M Karunanidhi, Dayalu Ammal has been admitted in hospital. Following this, the newly elected DMK Chief MK Stalin had visited the hospital to enquire on her health. Dayalu ammal is 82 years old, and is already suffering from several health issues. Ever since Karunanidhi had started to move away from party related activities after his health issues, Dayalu Ammal too had started facing health issues.


Even when Kalaignar Karunanidhi was admitted in Chennai Kauvery Hospital and was critical, fighting for his life, Dayalu Ammal had visited the hospital in a wheelchair. When MK Stalin had filed his nomination for the post of DMK chief two days back, Dayalu Ammal was the one who had blessed him and sent him. In such a situation, Dayalu ammal faced severe breathing issues yesterday, following which an ambulance was brought in and she was taken to thousand lights Apollo hospital.

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Dayalu Ammal has been receiving treatment at intensive care unit, and following her deteriorated health condition, Rajathi Ammal, Selvi, Kanimozhi rushed to hospital.  It has been expected that Dayalu Ammal will be back home in a couple of days, and now the whole of DMK fraternity is filled with grief.

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